Source from within Vim.
print-to-buffer.ecl" create a new buffer named Lisp
:e Lisp
(setf (vim::buffer vim::*vim-buf-stream*) (vim:current-buffer))
(format vim::*vim-buf-stream* "Hello, world.")))
(with-output-to-string (s)
(format s "Buffers: ~{~A~^, ~}"
(mapcar (lambda (buffer) (vim:buffer-name :buffer buffer))
(vim:msg (get-output-stream-string s)))
;;; vim:filetype=lisp:ts=2 ENDOFLISP
*if_ecl.txt* For Vim version 7.1. Last change: $Date:: 2008-06-22$
Eirik A. Nygaard, Larry Clapp and Mikael Jansson
Ecl *ecl*
1. ECL commands |ecl-commands|
2. Vim package |vim-package|
2.1 Functions |vim-package-functions|
2.2 Macros |vim-package-macros|
2.3 Classes |vim-package-classes|
2.4 Mapping |vim-package-mapping|
1. ECL commands *ecl-commands*
:ecl {cmd} Executes {cmd} as a lisp expression.
:ecl << {endpattern}
Executes {script} as a lisp expression. If the
{endpattern} is omitted it defaults to '.' (a dot).
Example script:
function! ECL_version()
ecl << EOF
(format t "Running ~A ~A"
:[range]ecl Executes the content in [range] as a lisp expression.
2. Vim package *vim-package*
To access Vim with ECL you have to use functions in the VIM package. We don't
recommend that you USE-PACKAGE the VIM package directly, because it contains
Vim homographs of several CL functions (e.g. vim:append, vim:funcall,
vim:setq, vim:search, and vim:map) that do wildly different things than their
CL counterparts. Just use a vim: prefix.
Overview (not everything from Vim is implemented yet.)
2.1 Functions ~
vim:msg {string} Print a message.
vim:cmd {string} Execute a Vim ex command, as if typed at the colon
prompt. Does NOT interpret special <> characters.
vim:normal {str} &rest rest
Execute a normal-mode Vim command, wraps |:normal|
vim:normal! {str} &rest rest
Execute a normal-mode Vim command without remapping,
wraps |:normal!|
vim:execute {string} Executes a string using Vim's |:execute| command.
DOES interpret special <> characters.
vim:expr {string} Evaluates string as a Vim expression.
Return the result as a string, or NIL on failure.
Called when the :ecl command is issued without an
vim:range A variable containing a cons of start line and end
line, set when :ecl is called.
vim:windows Return a list of Vim's windows.
vim:current-window Return the current window.
vim:window-width [{window}]
Return width of window, if no argument is given, it
defaults to the current window.
vim:window-height [{window}]
Return height of window, if no argument is given, it
defaults to the current window.
vim:window-column [{window}]
Return the leftmost column of the window on the
screen. If no argument is given, it defaults to the
current window.
vim:window-cursor [{window}]
Return the position of the curser as a cons (lnum .
col) in window, window defaults to the current window.
vim:window-buffer [{window}]
Return the buffer in window, defaults to the current
vim:buffers Return all buffers.
vim:current-buffer Return the current buffer.
vim:buffer-line-count [{buffer}]
Number of lines in buffer, the buffer defaults to the
current buffer.
vim:buffer-lines [{:buffer}] [{:start}] [{:end}]
Return the lines in buffer from start to end
(inclusive). Defaults: start 1, end lines in buffer,
and buffer to the current buffer.
vim:find-buffer {name}
Return the internal Vim buffer representation given by
name, or nil.
vim:buffer-name [{:buffer}]
Return the name of the buffer, defaulting to the
current buffer.
vim:get-line [{n} [{buffer}]]
Return line number {n} from {buffer}. Defaults to
current line in current buffer.
vim:replace-lines {lines} [{:start}] [{:end}] [{:buffer}]
Replace lines from {:start} to {:end} (inclusive) with the content
of the lines (a list of strings) in {:buffer}.
Defaults: {:start} 1, {:end} lines in buffer, and {:buffer}
to the current buffer.
vim:append-line-to-buffer {string} [{:buffer}]
Append a line with the text in {string} to {:buffer},
defaulting to the current bufffer.
vim:append-to-buffer {string} [{:buffer}]
Append the string to the end to {:buffer}, defaulting
to the current buffer.
vim:append {lnum} {string}
See |append()|
vim:argc See |argc()|
vim:argv See |argv()|
vim:argidx See |argidx()|
vim:browse {save} {title} {initdir} {default}
See |browse()|
vim:bufexists {expr}
Use T to find out about the alternate file name.
See |bufexists()|
vim:buflisted {expr}
Use T to find out about the alternate file name.
See |buflisted()|
vim:bufloaded {expr}
Use T to find out about the alternate file name.
See |bufloaded()|
vim:bufname {expr}
Use T to find out about the alternate file name.
See |bufname()|
vim:bufnr {expr}
{expr} defaults to ".", i.e. the current buffer.
See |bufname()|
vim:num-buffers Return the total number of buffers.
vim:bufwinnr {expr} See |bufwinnr()|
vim:byte2line {byte} See |byte2line()|
vim:char2nr {expr} See |char2nr()|
vim:cindent {lnum} See |cindent()|
vim:col {expr} See |col()|
vim:confirm {msg} [{choices} [{default} [{type}]]]
See |confirm()|
vim:cursor {lnum} {col} See |cursor()|
vim:expand {expr} [{flag]}
Use t/nil for {flag}.
See |cursor()|
vim:getcwd See |getcwd()|
vim:getline {lnum} See |getcwd()|
vim:getwinposx See |getwinposx()|
vim:getwinposy See |getwinposy()|
vim:input {prompt} [{text}, [{completion}]]
See |input()|
vim:line {expr} See |line()|
vim:lispindent {lnum} See |lispindent()|
vim:search {pattern} {:flags} {:stopline}
{:stopline} defaults to nil.
See |search()|
vim:setline {lnum} {line}
See |setline()|
vim:virtcol {expr} See |virtcol()|
vim:winbufnr {nr} See |winbufnr()|
vim:wincol See |wincol()|
vim:winline See |winline()|
vim:winheight {nr} See |winheight()|
vim:winnr [{arg}] See |winnr()|
vim:winwidth {nr} See |winwidth()|
vim:num-windows Return the number of open windows in the current tab.
vim:tabpagebuflist [{arg}]
See |tabpagebuflist()|
vim:tabpagenr [{arg}]
If no arg given, or NIL given, return the tab page
number of the current tab. If arg is given, it must
STRING= "$", and we return the tab page number of
the last tab. (If it doesn't STRING= "$", it's
silently ignored.)
See |tabpagenr()|
vim:wincmd {cmd} [{n}]
{n} defaults to 0.
See |:wincmd|
vim:close {:bang}
When {:bang} is T, behave as |vim:close!|
See |:close|
vim:close! See |:close!|
vim:funcall {function-name} {args}
Call a Vim function.
vim:setq {var} {val}
Set the variable {var} to {val}, akin to: >
let var = val
vim:var {var}
Return the value of the variable. If it's a string
that looks like a number, return the number.
vim:change-to-buffer {expr}
Changes to the given buffer. Hides the current buffer.
{expr} can be either a name or a number.
vim:open-buffer {expr}
Opens a window on the given buffer.
{expr} can be either a name or a number.
vim:get-pos [{where}]
Get the buffer & position of the cursor; returns an
instance of |vim:point|.
{where} defaults to ".", i.e. the position in the
current buffer.
vim:goto-pos [{point}] Go to the position specified by {point}.
vim:kill {pid} {sig} Send the {pid} a signal specified by {sig}.
vim:scroll-window {n}
Negative means scroll the window down, i.e. scroll the
text up, using .
Positive means scroll the window up, i.e. scroll the
text down, using .
vim:position-window {want}
Scroll the window such that the current line of text
is at the given window line. The top line is line 0.
If WANT is NIL, positions the current line in the
middle of the screen.
vim:append-text-to-buffer {line}
Append {line} to the current buffer
vim:append-multi-line-string {text}
Append the multi-line string {text} to the current
vim:multi-line-map {f} {text}
Apply the function {f} on all lines in {text}
2.2 Macros ~
vim:get-pos-after {body}
Run some code; return the cursor position afterwards.
vim:with-buffer {expr} {body}
Run code on the buffer given by {expr}.
vim:with-options {bindings} {body}
Set new values to existing Vim options; restores old
values at exit. Works with Vim variables, too, as
long as they already exist.
{bindings} - either
+ list of (var val), or
+ list of variable names, in which case they are
set to "".
vim:with-window {winnr} {body}
Run {body} in the context of the given {winnr} Signals
an error if the given value is NIL or the number is
out of range.
vim:with-window-of {buffer} {body}
Same as |vim:with-window|, but with owning window of
2.3 Classes ~
Class used to specify position, with the following
slots/initargs: >
< *vim:bufnr-of*
vim:bufnr-of |vim:point| accessor
vim:line-of |vim:point| accessor
vim:col-of |vim:point| accessor
vim:virtcol-of |vim:point| accessor
vim:winline-of |vim:point| accessor
2.4 Mapping ~
vim:maparg {name} {:mode} {:abbr}
{name} - a string
{:mode} - a keyword or string; see below
{:abbr} - a generalized boolean
Returns the rhs ("right hand side") of mapping {name} in mode {:mode}. When
there is no mapping for {name}, returns NIL.
{:mode} can be one of these keywords or strings (or NIL):
:normal "n"
:visual-select "v"
:operator-pending "o"
:insert "i"
:command "c"
:lang-arg "l"
NIL ""
When {:mode} is omitted or NIL, the modes for "" are used (i.e. Normal,
Visual, and Operator-pending).
When {:abbr} is non-NIL, use abbreviations instead of mappings.
See also |maparg()|.
vim:map {lhs} {rhs} {:mode} {:noremap} {:flags}
Make a Vim mapping. See |:map|.
{lhs} - a string
{rhs} - a string or function designator
{:mode} - a list designator
{:noremap} - a generalized boolean
{:flags} - a list designator
{rhs} can be a string or a Lisp function. A mapping to a Lisp function is
translated into a mapping that calls the function.
{:mode} can be one of these keywords or strings, or a list thereof, or a
single multi-character string (e.g. "nvo"):
:normal "n"
:visual-select "v"
:visual "x"
:select "s"
:operator-pending "o"
:insert "i"
:command "c"
:lang-arg "l"
NIL ""
If you supply multiple {:mode}s, vim:map will make one map per mode.
If {:noremap} is non-NIL, then the mapping is not remapped.
{:flags} can be one of these keywords or strings, or a list thereof:
:buffer "" |:map-|
:silent "" |:map-|
:special "" |:map-|
:script "